Mushroom Nutritional Information Explained

Posted by Eliza Hedley on

Teelixir Mushroom Nutritional Information Explained Mushroom nutrition Mushroom nutritional value

An Overview

If you’ve not yet heard of medicinal mushrooms, then welcome.

Medicinal mushrooms are one of the world’s best-kept superfood secrets. Their broad range of health effects and nutritional value is becoming more mainstream and discussed each day.

Most medicinal mushrooms are classified as adaptogens – a superior class of herbs that modulate the HPA axis – the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis the neural connection between our brain, perception and adrenals – which regulate the body's stress response.

Medicinal mushrooms promote homeostasis and balance in the mind and body. They also elicit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and longevity properties. 

Mushroom nutrition consists of numerous micronutrients and macronutrients. This makes mushrooms a nutritionally beneficial addition to your daily meals and snacks.

The nutritional value of mushrooms are rich in protein and amino acids, the building blocks of our muscles, skin, and gut, unique carbohydrate compounds known as chitin and beta glucans, as well as vitamin D and minerals such as phosphorous and selenium.

Specific mushroom nutritional information varies between species and mushroom varieties, but they all have these key nutritional values and properties.

Keep reading to learn great nutrition tips and valuable mushroom nutrition information.

All About Mushroom Nutritional Information

All About Mushroom Nutritional Information

This article will focus on mushroom nutritional information, it will answer questions such as:

How many calories in mushrooms? Do mushrooms have protein? How many carbs in mushrooms? Plus some other great nutrition tips.

We will breakdown mushroom nutritional value and discuss the key vitamins and nutrient data of mushrooms so you can be armed with the best health information, nutrition information and nutritional value of mushrooms.

Nutritional Value Overview


One key nutritional value that mushrooms contain is an adequate source of protein.

Many of us think protein is found only in key protein sources like chicken, beef, eggs, tofu, etc. and that it enables us to build skeletal muscle.

But protein is in everything we eat, including mushrooms.

The reason protein is the hailed macronutrient is because it is literally our building block.

Protein helps create enzymes that catalyze and enable chemical reactions to occur. Our haemoglobin and immunoglobulins are proteins. Our antibodies are proteins, our skin (collagen + elastin) are made of protein, our heart muscle, our red blood cells, our gut lining, our immune system – everything.

As a side note, one cool thing about mushroom nutrition is that they contain unique proteins called hydrophobins.

Hydrophobins are surface-active proteins that can bind to any amphoteric membrane (1).

This enables mushrooms to connect their hyphae networks all under the earth, communicating with the planet.

The protein compounds in mushroom also attribute to their unique “meaty” flavour and texture.

The nutrition information of medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Chaga, and Cordyceps claim to have ~6-12 g of protein per 100g serving. A great addition to your daily protein intake.

Medicinal mushrooms have a broad range of health effects including immune system support and stress reducing benefits due to their unique beta glucans and antioxidant compounds (2).

The nutrient data shows that culinary mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and white button mushrooms contain between ~4-9g per 100g and provide more of a traditional nutritional value (2).

The nutrition information of medicinal mushrooms are specifically rich in key amino acids; alanine, aspartic acid, and glutamic acid.

Alanine has a role in maintaining and supporting the central nervous system, muscle contraction, and immune regulation. Aspartic acid is involved in the creation of sex hormones, supporting fertility, as well as, the central nervous system function.

Glutamic acid helps create glutamate – the key excitatory neurotransmitter that supports cognition, learning, and memory (3).

These key amino acids greatly contribute to the medicinal and nutritional value of mushrooms and their health benefits.


The nutrition information of mushrooms show that they contain no carbohydrates.

Instead, they are rich in specific starches and beta glucans that modulate and improve the gut, immune system, lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and help with your weight loss program.

Carbohydrates are either monosaccharides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides differentiated by how many carbon chains there are.

Biochemistry aside, mushrooms contain beta glucans which are polysaccharides molecules that elicit immunomodulating, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory properties.

According to the nutrition information, each mushroom has numerous unique polysaccharides. This is especially cool because our immune system cell membranes have specific receptors for these fungal polysaccharides.

It's like our bodies were made to eat mushrooms.

These starches aren’t the same as saying sweet potato or brown rice and elicit no caloric impact at all.

Instead, these beta glucan compounds “speak” to our immune system, supporting a healthy immune response.

This benefits the individuals with insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes as there is zero impact on blood glucose.

Specifically, Maitake mushroom contains a beta glucan (D-fraction) that has shown to improve glucose tolerance, improve uptake, and help stabilize blood sugar (3).

Chitin is the starch that makes up the mycelium and mushroom cell wall.

Chitin also accounts for mushrooms’ unique texture and shapes. Chitin elicits both an innate and adaptive immune response and provides anti-bacterial and antioxidant benefits, improving one’s health (4).

Further, the nutrition information shows that mushrooms have no carbohydrate content.

They improve blood sugar, cholesterol levels, the immune system, support weight loss, hormone balance, and provide a unique source of fiber to support healthy cholesterol, liver detoxification, gut health, and nutrition.


Mushrooms virtually contain no fat. Only the lipids within the mushroom being in their cell walls.

Or in the case of Shiitake mushroom, they contain fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin D that contribute zero calorie intake.

The nutrition information shows that mushrooms and superfoods don’t contain a lot of macronutrients. Instead, they are rich in micronutrients–vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that enable our body to thrive.

Culinary mushrooms are also rich in choline – somewhat of a B vitamin crucial to the creation, metabolism, and transport of lipids in the body.

Choline is especially required for proper nerve transmission, a healthy nervous system, brain health, cell signaling, and nervous system function, making mushrooms a key food choice for getting more choline into your diet and having positive health effects.

Calorie Information

Mushrooms are unique because they’re part of the fungi kingdom.

Mushrooms are not classified as a plant or animal, and thus their biochemical makeup and nutrient density, compared to other plant foods are literally out of this world.

The nutrient data shows that mushrooms are low in calories and therefore, provide very little calorie intake.

Mushrooms are incredibly nutrient-rich and provide amino acids, fiber, and numerous minerals and vitamins without any caloric or blood sugar impacts.

This makes mushrooms perfect for those who are conscious about losing weight, have high cholesterol levels, high blood glucose levels, are mindful of their calorie intake and glycemic index.

Or for those who are wanting to boost their health, nervous system, and immune system.

Vitamins and Minerals

B Vitamins

The health information of B vitamins tell us they are a family of water-soluble vitamins. These include Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Pyridoxine, Folate, and Cobalamin, with Biotin often added in as a B vitamins.

B vitamins are the most foundational vitamins to our wellbeing and are involved in every facet of our being–whether it’s energy production, macronutrient utilization, detoxification, muscle contraction – B vitamins are front and center of every biological process.

Some key benefits of consuming B vitamins include;

  • Increased energy through supporting mitochondrial function
  • Supports and enables detoxification
  • Helps balance sex hormones
  • Supports Thyroid hormone conversion
  • Supports muscle contraction and recovery
  • Supports cognition and brain function
  • Supports Neurotransmitter creation and mood regulation
  • Supports the central nervous system and buffers the stress response
  • Supports healthy skin
  • Enables cell replication and division
  • Enables protein metabolism
  • Supports healthy iron levels and cardiovascular health
  • Supports healthy pregnancy and fertility

In my personal opinion, we always want to obtain B vitamins first from whole food sources, as this is the bioavailable form of B vitamins that our bodies have evolved to know and consume.

On top of this, when it comes to supplementation, the health information recommends choosing an activated B vitamins supplement is much more advantageous as they’re already “methylated” and in active forms, our body can use.

For those with low energy, mushrooms containing high B-vitamins may be an excellent food source to increase energy levels.


Folate is often associated with fertility and conception, but folate is much more than a pregnancy vitamin.

Folate or B9 is a B vitamin and is required for gene expression and the replication of our DNA. It also detoxifies liver pathways, promotes proper iron levels and utilization.

Folate assists in cell replication as well as the synthesis of mood-boosting neurotransmitters, serotonin, and dopamine.

The nutrient data shoes that mushrooms contain 22 mcg of folate per 100 g mushrooms.

Portobello mushrooms, button mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are all a rich source or adequate source of folate.

The recommended daily intake (RDI) for non-pregnant adults being 400 mcg and pregnant women 1000 mcg per day, making mushrooms an additional whole food dietary source of folate (5).

When discussing nutrition information about folate, it is also important to distinguish the difference between folate and folic acid.

Folic acid is the synthetic version of folate often sold within pregnancy supplements and B vitamin supplements.

This form is not ideal and isn’t as bioavailable as the active form of folate; 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF). This is especially crucial for individuals with the MTHFR gene polymorphism, an SNP in which the body doesn’t methylate properly and can contribute to disease formation and numerous other symptoms.

Ideally, consume folate through whole food sources as they are accompanied by methyl donors which enable our genes to be switched on or off, preventing tumor growths, premature cell death, and inflammation.

On top of this, for conception, fertility, and pregnancy, folate is a crucial vitamin consumed in high doses to support the rapid cell division that occurs when creating life, in addition to sustaining the mother's iron levels, energy, and wellbeing.

The role of folate in the body and it’s benefits;

  • Supports cell division and new cells
  • Supports liver detoxification
  • Supports gene expression and DNA replication
  • Supports mood
  • Supports healthy iron levels
  • Supports energy
  • Decreases inflammation (involved in the homocysteine / SAMe cycle)
Vitamin D in mushrooms

Vitamin D

The nutrition information of vitamin D tells us it is considered a hormone rather than a fat-soluble vitamin.

The role of vitamin D is being explored in modulating inflammation, hormone balancing, liver detoxification, boosting mood, and being an anti-depressant, crucial for bone health, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and immune system function.

The body synthesises Vitamin D from the sun, in which a chemical process occurs within our skin cells, morphing UV rays into active vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D or 25-OHD).

The link between sun exposure and skin cancer is well known and has been "drummed" into us Australians' since we were old enough to "slip, slop, and slap".

This, together with an indoor culture and working environment, has seen an emergence of Vitamin D deficiency among Australians and Western countries, resulting in emerging health concerns.

The AHS of 2011-2012, which is the most recent one, found that 1 in 4 Australians is vitamin D deficient bringing awareness to the importance of this vitamin (6). Vitamin D deficiency is classified as ≤50 nmol/.

The health effects and benefits of Vitamin D;

  • Helps maintain strong, healthy bones through fortifying calcium
  • Decreases osteoporosis progression
  • Improves mood by helping in the synthesis of serotonin
  • Supports immune activity
  • Supports muscle function
  • Supports cardiovascular function and health
  • Elicits anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Improves cholesterol levels

We can get vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) from animal sources such as eggs, liver, fish, and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol or “pre-vitamin D”).

There are also a small amount of vitamin D mushrooms.

Vitamin D mushrooms that are exposed to sunlight, such as Shiitake contain some absorbable levels of vitamin D.

Studies and nutrition information of sun dried Shiitake mushrooms offer a specifically rich dietary source of D2, helping the liver synthesise into active vitamin D and contribute to our overall vitamin D levels, making vitamin D mushrooms a good nutrition source of vitamin D.


Selenium is a potent antioxidant mineral essential for proper energy production, thyroid health, and decreasing oxidative stress.

Selenium is an essential cofactor for the creation of our master antioxidant compound, glutathione peroxidase.

Glutathione elicits a powerful antioxidant effect scavenging free radicals that drive oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress drives premature cell death, inflammation, accelerated ageing, cell dysregulation and disease formation.

The health information suggests by ensuring we consume adequate dietary selenium, we’re supporting the creation and recycling of glutathione, decreasing inflammation, and improving longevity and overall wellbeing.

Selenium is also important for lowering cholesterol levels, cardiovascular health, blood glucose levels, and the immune system.

Selenium is also required for the conversion of T4 to T3, which is 10x more metabolically active and improves metabolism, energy production, and can assist as part of any weight loss program.

Selenium is also required for the conversion of T4 to T3 which is 10x more metabolically active and improves metabolism, energy production and can assist in weight loss.

Benefits of Selenium;

  • Increased energy
  • Supports healthy metabolism
  • Supports weight loss
  • Supports temperature regulation
  • Antioxidant
  • Recycles glutathione peroxidase
  • Supports healthy cell cycles
  • Improves liver detoxification

Mushrooms are a good nutrition source of selenium.


Copper is a trace mineral involved in iron metabolism. It is anti-inflammatory, ensures superoxide dismutase – another potent antioxidant compound that can decrease oxidative stress, and has a role in energy creation (3).

Copper is utilized specifically in supporting healthy iron levels as it is a part of metallothionein and ceruloplasmin. Ceruloplasmin enables the conversion of non-heme iron into heme iron, with metallothionein involved in regulating gene expression and modulating inflammation, both of which require copper for proper function and health effects.

Benefits of copper;

  • Antioxidant properties
  • Healthy iron levels and metabolism
  • May help decrease heavy metal levels
  • Boosts energy production

Being a trace mineral, we don’t need much copper.

Mushrooms contribute 1/5th of the RDI of copper per 100 g serving. This makes mushrooms a good source of dietary and nutritional source of copper.


Phosphorous is an abundant macro mineral within the body. 

Phosphorus is also abundant in whole foods and plant foods.

 A 100g serving of mushrooms provides 11% of the RDI (recommended daily intake) of phosphorous, making mushrooms a viable nutritional source of phosphorous.

Portobello mushrooms, button mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms are a good dietary source of phosphorus.

Phosphorous is abundant in the body and like the B-vitamins, is involved in essentially every kind of organ system, specifically the skeletal system, energy production, and protein metabolism.

Benefits of Phosphorous;

  • Balances the acid/base levels in the body
  • Healthy bones and teeth
  • Protein metabolism and muscle synthesis
  • Energy production and is required for ADP (adenosine-diphosphate) and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production


Potassium is one of the major minerals essential for optimal health. Not only is potassium an electrolyte, but it’s also necessary for muscle contraction, nerve transmission, the nervous system, balancing blood sugar, energy production, healthy kidneys, and cardiovascular health, to name a few key ones.

There’s no RDI for potassium as it’s abundant in plant foods and whole foods. But the adequate intake level for adults is 2,800 – 3,800mg each day. A 100g serve of mushrooms provides 360mg of potassium. Additional potassium is required for athletes or those who are very active, as it is involved in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. And a lack of potassium prevents the conversion of stored glucose (glycogen) into glucose to be utilized as energy to fuel muscle contractions.

Potassium is crucial for;

  • Healthy muscle contraction
  • Supports nervous system
  • Hydration and recovery
  • Healthy kidneys and the prevention of kidney stones
  • Lowers blood pressure and hypertension
  • Supports cardiovascular health

Vitamin B12

B12 or cobalamin is such an important B vitamin. It is needed for proper iron status, cell division, DNA synthesis, nervous system function, cognition, modulating inflammation and homocysteine levels, and energy production.

Of course, when we talk about B12, we talk about vegan diets that are lacking animal sources of B12. Mushrooms offer a non-animal source of B12, making it an even more attractive dietary addition and boosting B12 levels through food. The RDI for B12 is 2.4ug per day.

Benefits of B12 include;

  • Healthy iron status
  • Cell turnover and DNA replication
  • Homocysteine balance and anti-inflammatory
  • Gene expression
  • Energy
  • Cognition and memory
  • Creation of mood boosting neurotransmitters
  • Healthy nerve function

B12 is especially crucial for vegans and vegetarians, but also individuals lacking high-quality protein diets or have malabsorption issues, leaky gut, dysbiosis, or low stomach acid, as all of these conditions impair the absorption and utilization of B12.

B12 not only enables DNA to be replicated and healthy gene expression, but is also involved in healthy iron levels. A lack of B12 causing megaloblastic anemia, which contributes to fatigue, slow wound healing, recovery, and mood imbalances, so ensuring adequate B12 levels is a must for everyone, not just vegans and vegetarians.

Some mushroom varieties that contain considerable amounts of vitamin B12 include the fruiting bodies of Lion's Mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus), Shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes), black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopioides) and golden chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius).

Other mushrooms with trace levels of vitamin B12 include the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms (Boletus sp.), oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), and black morels (Morchella conica).


How Mushrooms

How Mushrooms Provide a Body Boost


As we’ve touched on in previous articles, antioxidants play a key role in overall health, the absence of disease and symptoms, and in supporting longevity.

The key reason we want to be consuming antioxidant rich foods is to balance out the levels of oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals, rogue molecules that damage DNA and interfere with gene expression and cell function.

The body naturally produces free radicals in the liver.

This occurs when we’re exposed to free radicals in our environment, such as air pollutants, toxic chemicals, and artificial flavors, to name a few, all of which add to our allostatic load and oxidative stress level.

Too much oxidative stress negatively impacts our immune system, cardiovascular system, and is linked to heart disease and metabolic disease.

Because we live in a world that adds more oxidative stress, we need to help balance this delicate see-saw by adding antioxidant-rich foods and superfoods.

The health effects of antioxidant compounds “donate” themselves to these free radical compounds, canceling them out and inching our body closer to homeostasis and balance.

Antioxidant compounds are rich in plants and are polyphenols like flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, gallic acid, and quercetin, to name a few well-known ones.

Medicinal mushrooms like Chaga Mushroom are rich in potent antioxidant compounds and help maintain the oxidative/antioxidant ratio improving overall health, nutrition, and wellbeing.

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Mushrooms can lower cholesterol through their fiber and chitin content, as well as their beta glucans. Cholesterol is naturally synthesized in the liver and is used to create sex hormones as well as HDL / LDL and VLDL, all of which carry cholesterol to and from our cells.

We utilize cholesterol also within our cell membranes; hence it has a functional and beneficial role. It’s when we have too much of the “bad: cholesterol; the VLDL and LDL and cholesterol get dumped into the bloodstream, that atherosclerosis and plaque begin to form, which drives stroke and heart attacks.

Mushrooms can improve and “mop” up excess “bad” cholesterol as fiber binds with cholesterol and bile salts and excretes it from the body via the digestive tract.

Additionally, Maitake mushrooms, Shiitake mushrooms, and Reishi mushroom have been shown in numerous trials and studies to reduce total cholesterol, improve cardiovascular health and may help prevent heart disease (4).


Mushrooms support a healthy gut


Healthy Gut

The beta glucan, alpha-glucans, galactans, chitin, and polysaccharides of mushrooms can influence and “speak” to the microbiome. Improving gut health, functioning as a prebiotic modulating the microbiota, and supporting a healthy immune system (7).

With 80% of the immune system located within the gut, we can see how mushrooms elicit both an immune-boosting benefit, improving the colonization of healthy bacteria while also upregulating the resistance of pathogenic bacteria that can cause illness and inflammation.

The health effects of mushrooms have been used for centuries to improve gut health and being a fungi, not a bacteria themselves, they have an alpha top-down ability to help shift microbial species within the gut and vaginal microbiome.

This is also due to their phenolic compounds and bitter triterpene compounds.

Specific studies have shown that Chaga Mushroom induced changes to the gut microbiota and increased Bacteroidetes species. Reishi mushrooms also increasing Bifidobacterium species, both of which are very advantageous to a healthy gut, which we know is the epicenter of our wellbeing (7).

Mushrooms are a secret nutrition tip to improving immune and gut health. This makes medicinal mushrooms for allergies also helpful.

Weight Control

When it comes to weight loss or any weight loss program, I know for me, I look at it from a holistic perspective because calories aren’t just calories, and there’s often numerous underlying mechanisms in why weight isn’t lost.

It can be stress, a lack of sleep, low thyroid function, hormone imbalances, anxiety, under or over-exercising, and wrong food choices, to name a few.

Mushrooms can help with weight loss and assist your present weight loss program because they address all of these factors.

Mushrooms are a low glycemic index food that works to support the nervous system and buffer the stress response, enabling our body to “know it’s safe” and leave fight-or-flight mode.

Instead, mobilizing fat stores to be utilized, since it is not survival mode for cortisol to be blocking weight loss.

Mushrooms are also potent antioxidants that can fight inflammation which is a key block in weight loss. Mushrooms help to balance hormones and restore homeostasis.

Mushrooms also contain very low to almost no calories and are rich in micronutrients that support a healthy body, BMI, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, all linked to a healthy weight.

Healthier Skin

The mushroom skin benefits are profound.

Mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms lead to healthier-looking skin due to being rich in specific skin-loving nutrients like selenium, Vitamin D, and key amino acids.

These nutrients are utilized by skin cells, with selenium acting as an antioxidant protecting against UV damage and further oxidation in the skin.

Selenium plays a key role in protecting skin from oxidative stress and UV damage that accelerates signs of aging. It also protects skin cells from further damage, which damages their function. Selenium is also necessary for DNA synthesis. Our skin cells have a rapid turnover rate, and selenium is beneficial in supporting this.

Vitamin D not only protects the skin from the sun but also decreases DNA damage and apoptosis, improving skin health overall. Vitamin D is anti-inflammatory and modulates the immune response, which can assist in improving eczema and psoriasis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are mushrooms good for you?

Mushrooms are rich in amino acids, low in carbohydrates, and fats and contain numerous micronutrients like Vitamin D, selenium, phosphorous and potassium.

How many calories in mushrooms?

Mushrooms virtually contain zero calories, and are very low in fat and carbohydrates. Mushrooms are an adequate source of protein.

How many carbs in mushrooms?

The carbohydrate content of mushrooms is very low. The nutrient data shows that mushrooms contain long-chain sugars known as polysaccharides. These particular mushroom nutrition compounds include chitin, beta glucans and alpha glucans which help support and improve the immune system.

How much protein in mushrooms?

Mushrooms are an adequate additional source of protein ranging from 6-10g of protein per 100g.

Are mushrooms high in iron?

Mushrooms themselves are not high in iron but are sources of copper, folate, and B12, which are required for high iron.


In conclusion the Mushroom nutritional information

In Conclusion

The health information of mushrooms and their diverse nutritional value is all about being rich in micronutrients–specific vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, selenium, potassium, phosphorous and copper.

Mushrooms are a low glycemic index food, low in carbohydrates and will not spike blood sugar levels which may be beneficial for those with type 2 diabetes. Mushrooms are insulin resistant, low in lipids and adequate in amino acids.

The health effects of mushrooms are profound. They are able to support the nervous system, gut health, boost skin health, help with cholesterol and weight loss and promote longevity and wellness.


  1. Fungal and mushroom hydrophobins: A review -
  2. MyFitnessPal -
  3. Advanced Nutrition & Human Metabolism Biochemistry – Gropper, Smith & Groff
  4. Powell, Martin. Medicinal Mushrooms - A Clinical Guide
  5. Nutrient Data Reference Values -
  6. Australian Health Survey: Biomedical Results for Nutrients -
  7. A Critical Review on Health Promoting Benefits of Edible Mushrooms through Gut Microbiota -

Written by Eliza Hedley

Eliza Hedley is a health, mindset and abundance enthusiast obsessed with helping millennial's experience living at a higher level.

Eliza's relaxed new age approach and understanding of nutrition and wellness sees her empowering and coaching individuals to understand that their health is the ultimate asset. Upon experiencing first hand the power and place of tonic herbalism and medicinal mushrooms in everyday life, Eliza’s become an adaptogen fangirl and feels their utilisation in today’s world is essential for abundance and wellbeing.

Instagram: @the_holistic_sister_

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